Was sich aus einem One Direction Pop Song alles machen lässt,zeigt uns einmal mehr die bezaubernde Gabrelle Aplin. Sieht ganz so aus, als wäre dies das Jahr der 20 jährigen Britin. Ihr erstes Studio Album „English Rain“ schaffte es in den UK ebenso wie in Schottland auf Platz 2 der Album Charts. Nach ihrer Festival Tour, verzaubert sie uns nun mit diesem schönen Cover.
Best Song Ever Lyrics
Maybe it’s the way she walked, straight into my heart and stole it
Through the doors and past the guards, just like she already own it
I said can you give it back to me, she said never in your wildest dreams
And we danced all night to the best song ever
We knew every line now I can’t remember
How it goes but I know that I won’t forget her
Cause we danced all night to the best song ever
Said her name was georgia rose, and her daddy was a dentist
Said I had a dirty mouth but she kissed me like she meant it
I said can I take you home with me, she said never in your wildest dreams
And we danced all night to the best song ever
We knew every line now I can’t remember
How it goes but I know that I won’t forget her
Cause we danced all night to the best song ever
I think it went oh, oh, oh
I think it went yeah, yeah, yeah
I think it goes…