Zusatzinformationen über Links oder spezielle Hinweise werden im Web oft in kleinen Fenstern namens Tooltips angezeigt, die bei mouseover oder click angezeigt werden. Um Tooltips anzuzeigen gibt es bereits jede Menge verschiedener Techniken. Manche dieser Techniken benutzen Javascript oder DHTML, manche werden nur mit CSS ein- und ausgeblendet, andere wieder werden dynamisch per Ajax geladen und angezeigt. Hier nun eine hoffentlich nützliche Liste von 25 tollen Tooltip Scripts!
List of 25 Javascript/Ajax and CSS Tooltips
- Ajax Tooltip by dhtmlgoodies.com [Example Page]
- Ajax-Powered Help Balloons/Tooltips
- Tool Tip Script by Cody Lindley [Example Page]
- jTip – a jQuery Tool Tip by Cody Lindley [Example Page]
- qTip [only 2kb Example Page]
- Nice Titles
- Tooltip.js – The next generation tooltips
- Sweet Titles – JavaScript Fading Tooltips
- Boxover [with fade, delay, click to display and much more options]
- Supernote [Fade in/out Example]
- Link Thumbnail [Displays an image of the link]
- DHTML Tooltips by Walter Zorn
- CSS Balloon Pop-ups by Stu Nicholls
- CSS Tooltips
- Pure CSS Tooltips
- Balloon Tooltip by dhtmlgoodies.com [Example Page]
- Multiline Tooltip
- Tooltip with shadow by dhtmlgoodies.com [Example Page]
- Dynamic Drive Fixed Tooltip script
- Dynamic Drive Cool DHTML Tooltip
- Dynamic Drive Rich HTML Balloon Tooltip
- jQuery Tooltip Plugin
- DHTML Tooltips by Dynamic Web Coding
- Bubble Tooltips [Example Page]
- Animated Tooltip Javascript
If you knew other Tooltip Scripts please drop a comment! Thanks! 🙂
Winfred Yemchuk schreibt:
I’ve recently started a site, the information you offer on this website has helped me tremendously. Thanks for all of your time & work.
khalid schreibt:
good work, You can also find the souce code with DeMO and can Free dowmload here, http://www.webfreescripts.com/?cat=34
disneyland schreibt:
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Joette Franzoni schreibt:
I’d be inclined to clinch the deal with you on this. Which is not something I typically do! I enjoy reading a post that will make people think. Also, thanks for allowing me to speak my mind!
mbt shoes schreibt:
Good journey and experience!
Sean schreibt:
You should try http://ajaxden.net a good few scripts there!
Anton schreibt:
There is one more nice tooltip – http://www.taggify.net . It allows to add tooltips for the part of the image -border is drawn around the object on the image and other parts it’s faded. Cool thing for marking people on the photo as in facebook . See demo at http://www.taggify.net/demo.aspx
Ron schreibt:
?????? ?????? ??? ????? ???? ??????? ??? ?????
????? ????? ???!!!
Jak schreibt:
как заработать на Ñайте!!
tk23net schreibt:
please sending for me source code ajax tooltip
thanh’s very much
css map schreibt:
CSS „Cascading Style Sheets“ Lessons
css list style Properties and examples — http://css-lessons.ucoz.com/list-css-examples.htm
autologo.net schreibt:
great thanks!
Mukul Kumar schreibt:
If you have a minute, checkout my tooltip implementation at: http://codeeazy.wordpress.com/2007/09/30/simple-t…
mahesh schreibt:
hi am mahi
am a graphic design and also do css and html website.
this is really very great website to learn .
so i am very eager to learn these scriptings.
can anyone tell me how todo.
Webdawson schreibt:
I'm glad to hear it's useful for you!
Michelle schreibt:
Thank you for this resource, it saved me some time 🙂
Webdawson schreibt:
Your welcome 🙂 great script by the way!
Ashish schreibt:
Thanks for including my tooltip script in the 'Tooltip Hall of Fame' . Actually, bubble tooltip seems quite possible using my tooltip script.
Thanks once again !
Shane schreibt:
There's also YUI Tooltip, http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/container/tooltip/